Surah At-Takweer Introduction

Surah Takweer is a Makki Surah by Ijmaa

The connection between this Surah and the previous (Abasa)

Looking back at the previous Surahs Allah describes the personal state of affairs of those who believe and those who reject faith.

This Surah continues in this but focuses is given to the environment of that day surrounding the believer and disbeliever.

The Surah also shifts to another issue, the concept of Risaalah (being a Messenger) and the validity of Muhammad being a true Messenger of Allah.

What has been narrated about This Surah

Abu Isa At-Tirmidhi recorded from Ibn `Abbas that Abu Bakr said, “O Messenger of Allah, verily your hair has turned gray.” The Propeht said Surahs Hud, Al-Waqi`ah, Al-Mursalat, An-Naba’ and At-Takwir have turned my hair gray.

Imam Ahmad recorded from Ibn `Umar that the Messenger of Allah said, Whoever wishes to look at the Day of Judgement as if he is seeing it with his own eyes, then let him read, (When the sun is wound round.) (81:1) (and; (When the heaven is cleft asunder.) (82:1) and (When the heaven is split asunder.) (84:1)





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