81:17 And by the night as it departs

ASAS is an intersting word becuase it can have opposite meanings.It can mean advancing and retreating. So the verse is either saying … and by the night as it approaches or and by the night as it retreats. Most Ulamaa have said here ASAS is when night retreats (becomes light)

Ibn Kathir said, (And by the night when it `As`as.) There are two opinions about this statement. One is that this refers to its advancing with its darkness. Mujahid said, “It means its darkening.” Sa`id bin Jubayr said, “When it begins.” Al-Hasan Al-Basri said, “When it covers the people.” This was also said by `Atiyah Al-`Awfi. `Ali bin Abi Talhah and Al-`Awfi both reported from Ibn `Abbas:(when it `As`as) “This means when it goes away.” Mujahid, Qatadah and Ad-Dahhak, all said the same. Zayd bin Aslam and his son `Abdur-Rahman also made a similar statement, when they said, (when it `As`as) “This means when it leaves, and thus it turns away.” I believe that the intent in Allah’s saying (when it `As`as) is when it approaches, even though it is correct to use this word for departing also. However, approachment is a more suitable usage here. It is as if Allah is swearing by the night and its darkness when it approaches, and by the morning and its light when it shines from the east. Many of the scholars of the fundamentals of language have said that the word `As`as is used to mean advancing and retreating, with both meanings sharing the same word. Therefore, it is correct that the intent could be both of them, and Allah knows best.

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