81:13 And when Paradise is brought near

We mentioned in the previous that Hell (and Paradise) have already been created. This belief that they already should have a powerful effect on us. Ibn Qayyim in his book Hadi Al-Arwah spoke about the positive effects of knowing Jannah exists right now. He said; Every time a slave does a good deed the angels WORK to beatify his home in Jannah. Evey time the slave makes Dikhr they grow a tree for him etc every time the slave does such and such deed the angels busy themselves in building a house for him or they they are busy preparing food for him etc they are constantly beatifying this slaves home in Jannah But as soon as the slave stops working (doing good deeds) they stop working (beautifying his Jannah). So imagine before doing a good deed your home in Jannah about to be beatified and moved closer and closer to the higher levels.

uzlifat – brought near

This idea of things being bought close to people of Jannah is recurrent theme in the Quran.

A person of Jannah will see a fruit on a tree and will wish to eat from its fruit and at that moment he will not have to move close to it rather the fruit will be bought close it him.  You see a bird flying in the sky and you desire to eat it,  the bird will instantly drop from the sky in front of you, cooked. You don’t have to strive nor struggle to attain it.

Here in this verse such an honor is given to the Muslim that Allah is saying that even Jannah will be bought close for its inhabitants.

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