81:10 And when the pages are laid open

The previous verse speaks about questing so this verse continues on with the same concept of questing and that is that all of the questing will be based on the deeds we did in this world and they are all recorded on scrolls.

suhoof are pages or scrolls

nushirat means to be spread out

The verse gives us the notion that prior to this event these scrolls are rolled up and this is the case. When you are alive the angels write on these scrolls and when you die they are rolled up and then on the Day of Judgment they will be laid open for you to see.

Why is this recording even necessary? If Allah questions a person on the Day of Judgment about his deeds, does Allah need a scroll to check from? Aoothbubillah Never! Allah’s knowledge is perfect but this RECORDING is to add to the humiliation of the criminals but will give security to those who did good.

The criminal knows the evil he did but when he sees it there laid out for him recorded, it will only add to his guilt and shame. No criminal likes to see the proof against him. But likewise when the good doers see their good deeds on their scrolls it will only add to their security, tranquility and happiness.  So let everyone ponder over this event and see what he has prepared for that day.

Ad-Dahhak said, “Every person will be given his paper in his right hand or in his left hand.” Qatadah said, “O Son of Adam ! It (your paper) is written in, then it is rolled up, then it will be distributed to you on the Day of Judgement. So let each man look at what he himself dictated to be written in his paper.”

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