81:7 And when the souls are paired

We have previously mentioned that the 1st 6 verses in this Surah refer to events before the Resurrection, now the next 6 verse will speak about events after the Resurrection.

Zuwijat – to pair something together, to get married

Nufoos Plural for Nafs Usually translated soul, in the Qur’an Allah refers to it either as a soul or an actual human being. Here it is referring the human being himself

Based one following hadith we can say the paring up here refers to each person being grouped with with their likes. Ibn Abi Hatim recorded from An-Nu`man bin Bashir that the Messenger of Allah said,

(And When the souls are joined with their mates.) Those who are alike. Every man will be with every group of people who performed the same deeds that he did. (This is because Allah says, (And you (all) will be in three groups. So those on the Right Hand – how (fortunate) will be those on Right Hand! And those on the Left Hand – how (unfortunate) will be those on the Left Hand!) (56: 7-10) They are those who are alike.

so the righteous will be grouped with the righteous the evil with the evil as Allah said

It will be said to the angels: “Gather those who did wrong, together with their AZWAAJ companions” 37:22 i.e i.e those like them.

Other interpretations of this verse is that the NAFS soul will be reunited with the physical body. 1st Allah created the body then He blew the soul into the body as a result the human is alive. The soul is connected to the body though sometimes it partially leaves when we sleep then returns when we awake. Then Allah takes it when we die then it is temporally reconnected to the body but in a particular way different to the way in the Dunya and that is in the Barzak and then Finally the soul will be reunited with the body in the most complete form of the soul being paired with the body.

Other interpretation mention that this verse means when the believers will be paired up with the Hoor-ul-Ayn and others said it means when the disbelieves will be paired up with the Devils in the hell fire.

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