81:5 And when the wild beasts shall be gathered together

And when the wild beasts are gathered together.) meaning, gathered.

wahsh (plural: wuhoosh) are wild animals/ beasts

Hushirat; Gathered

Its interesting to note why did Allah specifically use the name wohoos and not any other name like hayawaanaaat or An’am (which means animals in general)

Wuhoos are animals that cannot live within the same environment as humans. Unlike cats dogs chickens horses etc that can be domesticated these beasts cannot intermingle with human beings or with other animals or even their own kind and in many cases these animals/beats stay by themselves for most of their lives or at most live in small groups unlike us humans or other types of animals that form huge societies within themselves. We are talking about lions bears etc

But here in this verse Allah says they will be gathered together. This shows us the immense fear that even these animals will have on that day. Animals that would never come together – are now gathered together standing right next to each other. In fact many Ulamaa said these very wild beasts will be gathering with the other human beings (let alone other animal)

The closest thing you’ll see of this in this world is when there is a flood, and only a small amount of land for safety. So all the wild beasts will run to that small area of land, the hunter will not think that his food is standing next to him, and the would-be-food animal does not think that his hunter is next to him. Rather, both have a greater fear of the flood.

So when the mountains are moving out of place, the sun is darkened, the stars are falling, the animals have a great fear – causing them to lose their natural instincts. Can you imagine yourself standing side my side with a wild lion and both of you are more worried about what is to come and what one is seeing… The end of the world as we know it.

Now in verse one of Surah Takwir we said the 1st 6 verses speak about incidents before the Resurrection and the next 6 verses speak about incidents after the Resurrection. So according to this view this verse (verse 5) this gathering will take place in this dunya before the Resurrection but some Ulamaa (like Ibn Qiyyim) said this verse is speaking about the gathering after the Resurrection. There are verses that affirm that animals birds etc will be gathered on the day of Resurrection but as to this specif verse Wallahuallam.

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