81:4 And when the pregnant she-camels shall be abandoned

ISHAAR plural for USHAARA is a is a pregnant camel which has reached 10 month’s into her pregnancy (camels are pregnant for 1 year). So she is very near to giving birth.

What is the significance of these camels? These camels where coincided to be the most important wealth a person could have, they where extremely valuable. A pregnant camel was important to the Arab because she was close to giving birth to more camels, and camels = most noble of wealth for the ‘Arab. Also more milk/food. So the Arabs where extremely attached to these animals. But on that day these camels will be abandoned.

uttilat – (‘attala – to become useless)/to not be taken care of/ neglected.  The Arabs – before Islam – would call a woman ‘attala if she did not wear alot of jewellery. Its like “she’s not worth it” unless she is beautified for the people. This is the mindset of the people of ignorance.

So why will these camels be abandoned? Because of the terrors of what the people will be witnessing, the sun is covered and loses its brightness, and the stars have lost their sparkle and begin to fall, when the mountains move from their places, the reality hits them that these camels will bring them no benefit anymore, the last hour is upon them.


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